Design Method
TERUMO BCT, Event Branding, London Surrey
Just before the world went mad last March with everything COVID, Pelling Design were commissioned to brand and roll out all elements of the Terumo BCT commercial summit – a massive team building event held every year, outlining the coming 12 months plans and financial targets
The brief changed beyond recognition half way through when COVID hit the exhibition industry and required a major re-think
Generally, we found our flexible and agile working ethos stood Pelling design in really good stead for the challenges we have faced and overcome over the last 12 months, something which I am really proud of. We – like so many others – had to flex very quickly and adapt to the new ways of working forced upon us. As we have always had clients all round the world, remote working and zoom meetings etc were all par for teh course already
With Pelling Design’s help, we re-aligned and went digital, as so many have! Logistically it was a real challenge but one we all rose too.
Branding wise, not much changed. We worked with the internal brand stake holders to come up with a bold, dynamic stamp’ that could be adapted and used again and again across many other events.
Here after is where it all became digital. Video animations, powerpoint templates, event registration landing pages and webinar platforms were designed using the previously created brand look and feel.
We utilised team images mixed in with patient imagery to give the whole event a real personal feeling and maximise its impact.
Overall, the event was a huge success and we are still utilising the branding 12 months on, proving its flexibility and modular design.