Design Method


Co-marketing or joint ventures can be very powerful things… especially when one the brands is Disney’s Star Wars.

Way back in May – May the 4th (be with you) – Pelling Design worked with Philips Male Shaving and Grooming to announce to the wider press that there will be a special edition Star Wars Shaver being released in Quarter 4 this year, in time for the new film The Last Jedi release and Christmas.

It was obviously top secret until November so we have been desperate to show off our design work.

Pelling Design came up with this gift box and box wrap and sourced Star Wars themed items such as the latest Rogue One DVD, R2-D2 cup, leather bound note pad, Pen and Star Wars biscuits to celebrate our press release, make the launch engaging and memorable – we kept one back of everything for our selves too!

Balancing 2 sets of design brand guide lines was tricky but our team of designers relished working with such wonderful materials and assets so we encountered no problems in the design process.

Making this piece impactful was also straight forward, achieving maximum impact with a zoomed in, cleverly cropped image of Kylo Ren, one of the main characters in the upcoming film. Typography was kept clean and simple, allowing the imagery and design work to really stand out. We thought the most important aspect of this was the wrap design and the boxes them selves. After getting the design right, the boxes we sourced were of the highest quality adding to the theatre and grandeur of the mailing. Having something of weight and quality only adds to the premium feel.

We loved this project and it went down really well with the recipients – we hope you enjoyed the designs… may the force be with you.
