Design Method
What’s going on – Christina

Hi I’m Christina, a Graphic Designer here at Pelling Marketing by Design.
I’m always getting little bits of inspiration day-to-day, even if I don’t realise it. Whether I’m scrolling through Instagram or eating out in a restaurant, ideas are always whizzing about in my head.
I’ve got a lot to be inspired about at the moment as I’m planning my wedding and moving house. My life has been taken over by scouring Pinterest, Instagram and catching up with the Great Interior Design Challenge! I’m also addicted to Mad Men, a drama based at an advertising agency in the early 1960’s.
Pelling Marketing by Design are a Surrey based creative agency who specialise in all aspects of digital marketing and website design. Tucked away in a converted piggery in rural Farnham, we are a friendly team of talented designers and web developers who are passionate about helping your business achieve its full potential through our diverse range of marketing services.