Design Method

Velocity Sport, Farnham Surrey

Velocity sports, based in the centre of Farnham had the rather unique brief of not needing a website to gain business, but to simply show off what they can do and act as a shop window to prospective clients, rather than actively sell They have strong existing revenue streams that keep their team busy all year round so are very lucky in that respect. It was a nice design and build brief from our point of view too as the shackles were off in terms of not having to structure a webpage in a certain way to maximise enquiries or the onset of SEO.

These things can sometimes dampen the design process, but are obviously vitally important to most businesses, and is something Pelling Design are very very good at.

We understand the value of a well-placed CTA (Call to action) they will push visitors to your site to the right places and ultimately gain your enquiries
