Design Method
The Unlimited Company
Pelling Design’s strongest asset has to be our client retention. We take great pride in our long standing relationships. This has also bore fruit with our client expansion – allow me to elaborate.
Clients understand our processes, respect our skill sets but most importantly, they love working with us. This has meant that when people inevitably move on from existing roles, the ‘take us’ with them.
I believe there is no greater ratification of our ability as a design agency of the highest standard to deliver high end design solutions. So, whilst it was satisfying when TUC got in touch about Pelling providing design resources to their marketing team, it was not a surprise. We have worked with Viv for a number of years and she was keen to bring our expertise in and utilise our knowledge to improve their communication platforms.
With multiple campaigns running simultaneously across various sites, tight deadlines and logistics make any project a real challenge, but one that Pelling’s design team can handle seamlessly. Each campaign is run across various touch points so our design process fits this kind of project perfectly. We always design with multiple touch points in mind. Our design process is born out of our Creative Directors early learnings – we start any campaign with 1 key Question – how would a poster work for this campaign… Even if a poster is not a direct design deliverable, it is always the perfect place to start. It allows you to simplify and consolidate your messaging and come up with a hierarchy that then allows you to pick and choose what touch points say what.
From getting a poster right, you can easily roll out to point of sale, emails, social content and anything else for that matter. It is a process that always works and allows our design team freedom to express them selves.