Design Method


Creating a brand design that has a consistent look and feel is one of the hardest things to achieve in the design world – but equally is one of the most rewarding.

It is hard in the sense that to be a good brand, it needs to not only communicate the brand effectively, but it has to do this job across multiple touch points.

Making something work on a A5 leaflet, and then a 3×3 pop up for a exhibition has its challenges, and one that Pelling undertook for Philips Healthtech.

By creating a visual toolkit for exhibition design, this allowed us, and the marketing team at Philips, to effectively understand how this is done.

It also allows for visual consistency across multiple design touch points, as well as making briefing a design project in a simpler process. This toolkit has saved our client time, money and give them a flexibility not afforded before.

When creating the toolkit we focussed heavily on imagery doing the majority of the communications work, and with the modular templates created, allowed them to be a the hart of the design. No one reads lengthy text paragraphs n exhibition stands s we kept the typography clean, simple and minimal which also helped keep the imagery as the main focus.

Having a modular design also allows for the design to be rolled out across many different exhibition stand formats, from small banners stands right through to bespoke wall fittings – as well as everything in between. Great design has to be simple, but that does not have to mean less effective
