Design Method

MOVE in 3D, Farnham Surrey

Our own website, and the work we have done in promoting ourselves this year has really paid off and we have had some great enquiries via it over the last 12 months.

We like to think our site sits proudly among the best in Farnham, Surrey and beyond. Any enquiries we get are always very complimentary on our website – the design, look and feel and personal / family nature it conveys.

One of those was MOVE in 3D – an innovative body weight exercise program that launched locally. They loved our website, and as a result were really keen to work with us.

Neil and his team had a relatively unique design brief, in that it comprised of an existing ‘scribble’ and the need for 3 sub brands to represent the key ore exercise groups their regimes were based upon.


We have three price tiers to choose from (please note that these prices do not include VAT, but do include two rounds of amends); For sure there will be agencies who can do it for less, but why go cheap when you can go better? Your brand deserves the best

Our agency


Logo Design. We’d create 2 to 3 logo concepts and show different options for colours and fonts. Presented to you as a PDF.

Research includes;

  • Competitors
  • Company values


Logo and brand guidelines design. Includes the work in Tier 1 and also a Brand Guidelines document. The Brand Guidelines would be designed unique to your brand and would show how to use fonts, colours, images and any other brand elements. Presented to you as a PDF.

Research includes;

  • Competitors
  • Company values
  • Existing collateral


Logo, brand guidelines and example deck design. Includes Tiers 1 and 2, and also includes work that will show how your brand would be implemented across different platforms. These would be in the form of mock ups (examples include a brochure, a pull up banner, advertisements etc). Presented to you as a PDF.

Research includes;

  • Competitors
  • Company values
  • Existing collateral
  • Existing Comms platform
  • Website audit

Research includes;

  • Competitors
  • Company values

Research includes;

  • Competitors
  • Company values
  • Existing collateral

Research includes;

  • Competitors
  • Company values
  • Existing collateral
  • Existing Comms platform
  • Website audit

In this instance, Neil and his team went with option 2 so we set about researching competition, potential clients, demographic and aesthetics of similar companies.

Quite often this is great research to share with the clients, but just as often they are happy for us to get on with and trust that we have done the necessary work!

Once this work was complete we once again sat with the client and went through wat we had found and discussed potential ideas. This was a collaborative meeting with the rest of our design team involved.

This then allowed us to move to start the design process and begin executing some of our initial ideas.

As outlined, we generally produce 2/3 design options, among which we show colour, font and layout options for each. This allows, if needed, the client to mix and match as they see fit - although quite often we get it pretty right with one of the designs! This is always my favourite part of the process and really allows for a great brainstorming session with the design team with lots of colours, ideas and fonts flying around!

Once the design work was selected and refined we were then able to produce a simple set of brand guidelines. The structure is generally as follows;

  • Logo
  • Logo options
  • Logo best use
  • Colours, primary and secondary
  • Fonts, primary and secondary
  • Stationery – business card, letter head and compliment slip
  • Digital assets – social post and email footer

The added element with MOVE in 3D was the 3 sub logos representing the aforementioned core excersises. These were presented in the same manner and made part of the entire set. They also featured heavily on the social posts designs.

This gives the client ta great starting point for rolling out any brand.

We have since launched a holding page for their website, with the full thing to be live soon – watch this space.
