Design Method

Lighting Infographics

Information is beautiful… I think so! Having inspiration all around us is really important, but not always possible! Luckily for our latest project I had this amazing book ‘Information is beautiful’ by David McCandless do draw on. I bought this book quite a few years ago, and its testament to the quality of graphic design, typoraphy, use of colour and information that still makes it a essential point of reference for any designer.

Information, when presented poorly (think about all the endless busienss powerpoints you have sat through) can be tedious, dull and frankly un-inspiring and thus not get the attention it deserves, and in turn its importamce is lost.

This was something we were obviously keen to avoid when presented with the task of translating Philips Lighting NPS scores into a suitable format. Creating a format that would have a high engagement level, shareability within the company and most importantly showed the information clearly, concisely and briefly was imperative.

Using a bright colour palette, simple pie and line graphs, mixed in with some stunning photography really made these infographics stand out and brought them to life, exceeding the clients expectations.

Use of photography is often overlookd when creating infographics, i beleive they have a important part to play and can add personality and vitality to a design. Along with photography, we created a suite of simple but effective icons that added another dimension to the infrmation and helped quickly communicate the importance of some of the most relevant points of the information.

Overall, and thanks to the aformentioned book, these were a great success and show how vital inspiration and refernce points are in design.
