Design Method
LADUMA Website Build And Development, Weybridge, Surrey
Our developers love a challenge. They always moan when they see a complex design or page layout, but I know they love it really!
So it was business as usual when we handed over the designs for this particular website!
The Laduma site was designed with expansive images, dynamic typography and subtle animation / movement at the heart of its concept. A simple colour palette was kept to ensure that the design was not too chaotic and also allowed the imagery to really sing and be the hero of the piece – as they should be in cases like this where aesthetic is at the centre of is on offer.
Build complexity stood in the form of overlapping text, content blocks and imagery, all whilst subtly loving on scroll and through page transitions.
I won’t go into the minute technical details, but this required our PHP developers to really go o twin using CSS, JQuery, HTML5 all whilst building out in client proof re-usable blocks.
Building and developing a site using design modules future proofs the website in that it allows the client to built out pages and content by using the blocks / modules created by us.
We stick with a rather flexible system, making sure all the basics are delivered before becoming more expansive. This includes the following blocks / modules; header and footer, hero page headers, sub page headers, Copy with imagery both to the left and right, single column copy, expansive image, testimonials, client logos, contact forms and many many more.
This normally covers most requirements at a basic level, and this then allows us to create more expansive, custom design modules specific to a clients needs
Having a complex design system in place makes this hugely challenging, but it was a challenge we embraced, rose too and executed on
The end result was a beautiflly dynamic website which we are all really proud of.
Let us be proud of your website! If you need a hand navigation the why’s and where for’s of a new website, please just give us a shout.