Design Method
Hue – The Voice UK
When we heard that one of our clients would be partnering with the newly revamped, ITV commissioned, prime time TV Saturday night entertainment show The Voice we were naturally and immediately excited.
Our brief was simple – come up wit ha all encompassing advertising campaign that can be rolled out across multiple touch points and media types.
The first port of call, and where we always start, is creating a set of A4 advert templates, MPU templates and social media templates. By working in this way we ensure that our concept can work across these platforms, making the final roll out a fairly simple process. There is nothing worse than coming up with a killer concept that only works on a A4 page but does not translate well online.
Going through the design process was great fun, and after presnting our first thoughts we quickly narrowed our options down to 3 creative routes, whic the ‘winner’ was picked from a few days there after, after some further design development work.
The roll out of this campaign was fairly unique in that we had to get dual sign off from 2 world renowned brands, but with our vast experience and excellent communication skills this, again, was a fairly straight forward process. We worked tireleslly to ensure that the deadlines were met and everything worked as it should and are pleased to report everything went really well and the campaign was a great success with a higher than average ROI for the online campaign and social enganement project.