Design Method

Fullbrook School, Woking Surrey

Fullbrook School have worked with us over the last few years, working on various different projects. Every year the school release a series of booklets, leaflets and brochures in which hold various information about different areas of the school.

This year we took on a project to refresh and rebrand the design of the booklets. The main design elements were to stay the same as previous years. The logo, colour scheme, font selection and taglines were all to be kept consistent with previous work completed.

The designs varied a lot in terms of content, some being more story lead and others being based around tables and charts. Meaning that we had to come up with a flexible design to suit all different types of assets.

The designs are clean, simple and clear. The imagery we used are focussed on the students themselves when possible. In the brochure for A Level options we used simple images to depict the subject matter in general. Applying a blue overly and the 6 logo in order to promote the Sixth Form college. This tied all the visual elements together, the blue overlay and other blue assets work together to make the brand more recognisable.

All booklets, leaflets and brochures were printed on high quality, thick paper to give the recipent a premium feel, ensuring the message that school looks at all details in every project no matter how small. The designs are clean, simple and clear. The imagery we used are focussed on the students themselves when possible.

In the brochure for A Level options we used simple images to depict the subject matter in general. Applying a blue overly and the 6 logo in order to promote the Sixth Form college. This tied all the visual elements together, the blue overlay and other blue assets work together to make the brand more recognisable.

All booklets, leaflets and brochures were printed on high quality, thick paper to give the recipient a premium feel, ensuring the message that school looks at all details in every project no matter how small.
