Design Method
Alpine brochures
It is not often as designer that you get the chance to work with such stunning architectural imagery, so it was with great pleasure that we undertook this corporate brochure design project for Trevor and his team at the Alpine Group.
In essence this was a fairly straight forward project – make the Alpine Group and their 2 main offerings attractive to their existing and potential customers.
The brief was to create a coffee table leave behind that showcased their best work, which brings us back to the wonderful photography we had to work with.
In order to show the imagery and work off to their maximum, it was important to create a design that allowed the images to be the centre of attention whilst also showing off their eye for detail and design capabilities.
We achieved this by using a mixture of black and white imagery with the right amount of colour to pick out key parts of key projects. Coupled with beautiful, but very simple typography, and their bold brand colours this really showed off Alpine Group in all their glory.
We introduced a angular, geometric element to the layout, which highlighted the wonderful geometric shapes of the work on show and added a layer of intrigue and dynamics to the book. The book has been used for multiple new business meetings and we are now on to our 2nd re-print, so it is great to know it is proving as popular as we hoped it would be.