Design Method

ABHI, Brochure Design, London Surrey

Creating a brand look and feel is great fun, and probably the most rewarding part of my job… I know how important it is to get right, and I know the wonderful feeling you have as a business
owner when you get it right.

At Pelling Design, it’s what drives and excites us in equal measure. To keep things interesting though we don’t limit ourselves there… we often work with brands with a established brand already in place.

This is such a important part of our design business and one I feel often gets overlooked by many agencies. Being flexible and able to adapt to work within existing guidelines often created by
others is crucial in developing relationships and creating lasting partnerships with clients.

This can be equally rewarding, and just as an interesting process to go through, especially if you don’t think something

works, finding a work around can be very rewarding.

When ABHI started working with us, that was not the case. Not only is the brand name well established, its great looking too! Pushing the boundries and utilising the exciting colour, icon and graphic tool kits was a wonderful design challenge in itself.

Part of our brief was to really maximise the assets we had available and to use them in ways not done before Throu¬gh brochure design, exhibition design and digital design we breathed new life into the look and feel of the existing brand and created some hard hitting marketing communication tools.

We did not want to rip up the rule book, and its takes a certain level of skill to work within restrictions – the results of which in this case are stunning
