Design Method
New Year : New Design

If you’ve ever visited our website before you will have no doubt have noticed the huge redesign Pelling has undergone!
Like many inaugural gym goers this time of year we decided that it was a time for New Year : New Us!
So we have completely rebuilt our website incorporating some great new design elements, as well as re organising the content to make the user experience more fluid and intuitive.
Most of what you need can now be found directly on the homepage through our new infographic style design. As a design agency, our own appearance is crucial in establishing trust in what we do for our clients. Our website is a first impression which needs to both inform and impress, so we used flat design with simple geometric lines to allow our visitors to focus on what we offer. The simple infographic theme means that information is easily accessible in a stylish and engaging way.
We have taken on a new approach to the content we display throughout our website, with rewritten portfolio entries, and brand new in depth case studies.
*** Update 4th March 2015 – We have dropped Case Studies and moved them into Our Work ***
Our blog too, has undergone a revamp, with a new easily navigable interface and improved visual display.
Every single element of our new website has been looked at from a new perspective, to refresh our brand and keep us inline with current design trends.
We would love to hear your feedback on the new site, so get in touch or leave a comment.