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Online marketing & SEO

With 89% of consumers searching online before committing to a purchase, it is pivotal to make sure your business is seen on Search Engines and with an 88.5% market share in the UK (Nov ’13), Google is the one to be seen on.

Unfortunately it’s not as simple as it might seem, when you consider that each of your competitors wants the same thing. There are specific tactics and strategies that must be employed to ensure that your website appears nice and high on Google’s Results pages. Have a look at our blog post that explains the basic premise behind SEO, and what is required to get your site up there.

There are many individual elements that make up a successful SEO campaign, and help to boost organic rankings, and it’s a constantly changing game. Ideas that worked in the past are no longer effective at raising your online profile, and can in fact do more harm than good.

At Pelling we ensure that we are always at the forefront of best SEO practice, and only employ strategies that fall within Google’s Guidelines. There are plenty of companies out there who will try and sell you a quick fix for a small fee, and they boast impressive results. However, they will more often than not use underhand (black-hat) tactics to increase rankings, and these won’t last. And as soon as Google catches you, you can rest assured that you will be pushed further down than you were before.

We will never lie to a client, or make promises we can’t keep. As with all our services, we maintain a strict code of transparency and openness that you can trust.

SEO is an ongoing process that can take several months to yield significant results. So our SEO fee structure works on a rolling monthly basis, with no contract so you are free to stop should your circumstances change. We will provide regular results tracking and analysis reports as standard, and as ever, you are welcome to come down to our Farnham offices and chat to us at any point should you have any concerns or questions.

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