Design Method

Golf Chic – The Design Process


When we were briefed to produce this years edition of Golf Chic we were very excited by the challenge. We were given the freedom to be really creative as we created it with this years design styles.

Golf Chic is the official magazine of the Ladies European Tour.


We started by researching the target audience and looking through magazines they would read. We complied our research and made a note of design elements that we wanted to use in this edition of Golf Chic.


Using Adobe InDesign, we then created the document and set the main visual style for the magazine.


  • Created a grid structure in which to place content
  • Positioned page numbers and created a header bar on the template page
  • Choose fonts and created paragraph styles
  • Created a colour palete

Once we had the go ahead on this design from the client, we then received the text files and images to start populating the pages.


  • Inserting text from Microsoft Word files and styling to fit the magazine using the paragraph styles created at the design stage
  • Selecting and inserting the images and ensuring a good balance of design on the pages
  • Inserting pdf adverts and checking everything was created to the right size and resolution

After sending through to the client, tweaking a few things, and then receiving approval for each page, we had the final sign off and then created the final artwork for print.


  • Ensuring images were of suitable resolution and correct colour mode for printing
  • Ensuring all images were linked and fonts included
  • Ensuring each page had enough bleed

One file with bleed was sent to the printer and another without bleed was created to be viewed online.

It was a great project to work on, the client loved it, and we are looking forward to producing next years edition of Golf Chic. Below are a few example spreads. Click here to view the full magazine.




